Stuck at the front of the line. 10mb of data in a super crowded space meant this app took forever to download and install just so I could show a QR code I'd already paid for. COMPANIES, DO NOT PARTNER WITH THIS APP IS IT USER UNFRIENDLY
Hard to find my way round. I bought a ticket but where is it? Why can't I print it out?
Most user unfriendly app ever written.
cannot login even with correct password. Totally unnecessary and redundant when you should be able to receive the qr code via email. Will consider not going to events that use peatix in the future
No matter how many times I tried. Cannot find the tickets that my friend transfered me many times
アプリを開ける度にサインインしなければならないの、なんとかなりませんか? 今日はついにログインも一切出来なくなりました。 今からアンストして入れ直しますが、面倒すぎるので改善してください。 プラットフォームとしては結構使うので残念です。
Forced to download, stupid
Irritating. Have to download app to get ticket. Then the app keeps pestering me about new events.
I did really well